About Us
The Tuggerah Lake South Faith Community is a group of three Uniting Churches in the Tuggerah Lake area, which have combined to worship together and support one another as a community of Christ.
We meet weekly for worship in the Tumbi Umbi Church building, and our youth also meet there each Friday night. We also have other programs and fellowship groups which all are welcome to join and be in fellowship.
About our beliefs:
We are a community that seeks to reflect God's love:
We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19).
We believe that all people are made in the image of God. (Gen 1:26-27)
We seek to reflect God’s love through our worship of God, by loving all people unconditionally and by living out Christ’s values of inclusiveness, forgiveness, welcome and care for all.
We acknowledge that we do not always live up to these values.
We are a community that seeks to grow in our faith:
We believe in Jesus Christ our Saviour.
We gather together to nourish and sustain our faith through worship, prayer, Bible study, education, and encouragement of one another, so that we might grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ. (2 Peter 3:18)
We are a community that seeks to engage with the wider community.
We are called to be part of God’s mission of reconciliation and renewal of the world (2 Cor 5:18-20). This means engaging with our local community, caring for those around us and beyond, working towards a world where God’s kingdom of justice, love and peace will reign.
We seek to share this good news of God’s kingdom coming, through worship, witness and service.